There was a fly-in to Courtenay Airpark by Boundary Bay Flying Club.
Daniel sent us a message.
Courtenay, then cheese store on Ph street.
Bike Friday needed, but its shifters were not working well after the rainy ride a couple days ago.
So, I opted to maintenance of BF.
By 10:00, both shifters were working. I rode to the United Church for its bazaar.
On the way home the internal gear shifter cable was not returning, disabling both 1 and 2 gears.
This needs service.*
*Time to time, this is annoying. Yesterday (May 09/08; Friay) when I replaced both tires with Kojak at the roadside by William ped. overpass, I readjusted the internal gear cable(I was
Jun. 01.08
*Several days ago this internal gear shifter cable was replaced with expensive Powerline cable, also from MEC. Now heavenly shifting, though I have no ideas any rain drops would affect. At the moment the gears have never shifted better.