Monday, October 22, 2007

Posting from ubuntu 7.10 Ja

Downloaded ubuntu 7.10 Ja, and running from CD.
日本語が書けるようだ。ToggleはCtrl or Shift plus Space Bar.

1 comment:

muso said...

As I was happy with Live CD of ubuntu Linux 7.10, I installed it on the external 80 g hard drive.
Then, a disaster hit me. Boot loader Grub was not installed properly, and I was ended up with no more Windows XP as well as ubuntu itself.
As I was not familiar with Grub setup, I tried a few brutal solutions like reinstalling ubuntu and Windows XP; none worked.
The final cure was "fdisk /mbr". Hind sight: Why didn't I realize earlier!?
In the meantime, Windows has been upgraded to Vista. Vista is working so far so good.